Guide to UKVI (Tier 2 General Visa) online Application (PH Nurses)

Guide to UKVI (Tier 2 General Visa) online Application 
(for PH Nurses)

At first, I was told by my agency to apply on this site ~ however, the visa subtype (Migrant up to 3 years) is no longer available there .  So I contacted my agency and told them about that.  

They then told me to click the link "New Visa Application" as shown below: 
or simply this link: (where I successfully completed my online visa application)

Once you click the link, you will be re-directed to this page. You may now start your online UK visa application here.

Just Select your preferred language, scroll down and click next.

The next page is to confirm your visa type.  In our case, it is Tier 2 (General) Visa

Tick the circle beside Tier 2 (General) Visa, scroll down and click next.

Type in the country where you want to submit your documents for scanning and provide your biometrics, then click next.

Tick the first option, click next after.  In the Philippines, we have VFS Global in Makati and Cebu.

Make sure to read this part.  Click APPLY NOW once you're done.

 START tab

Enter your preferred email address and password.

You will then receive an email containing a link specifically assigned to you to sign-in. Make sure to save your link or that particular email, as that is the only way you can sign-in and return to your application if you haven't completed your application yet.  

You will also send this specific link to your agency + your password if they need your sign-in details to process your VISA application and IHS payment at the later part.

Just enter your password once you click your sign-in link:


After you entered your email and desired password, you will automatically proceed to APPLICATION tab

Just answer ALL the questions here, and click save and continue after each question.

Some questions you might encounter are the ff:

your identification details, Name, Address, passport etc..
>  details on your COS
>  travel history
>  Will you be travelling to UK as part of an organized group? (NO in my case),  ask your 
            agency if you're not sure what to answer
>  Is your sponsor a limited company? (NO in my case),  again wag mahihiyang magtanong... HEHE :)
>  Has you sponsor agreed to certify your maintenance as shown on your COS? (YES) - 
            please check your COS if there is "Y" on the certify maintenance part
>  Is your employment in a profession that requires an overseas criminal record 
    check? (YES) 

and so on..... :)

DOCUMENT tab (Document Checklist)

this tab enumerated ALL the MANDATORY documents you need to submit, aside from your supporting documents.   List of Documents Needed for UKVI application at VFS Global, PH


This one might differ from one person to another. Depending on your case, they might request more or less documents from you.  MAKE SURE you have all the requested documents.


just tick the box (agree) and proceed to the next tab

PAY tab

Click the Go to IHS website button as shown above.  This will re-direct you to IHS website where you need to complete the form or answer some questions.

> Applying from UK - NO
> Staying in Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey? - NO (or check your working address)
> Your Work start and end date - Check your COS

Once you finished the form you'll have your IHS Summary. You can download it if you want.

At this point, contact your agency for IHS payment + Visa application payment (if they will be the one to pay for it). Provide them your sign in details as I mentioned above so they can process this part.

You'll receive payment confirmation on your email for Visa application and IHS; and another separate email for IHS reference number.  Dont forget to print them in A4 size.


You'll see this page once you return to your application after payment. Click the green button to proceed.

Complete your final task:

> Make sure to DOWNLOAD and PRINT your DOCUMENT Checklist
> Have your IOM certificate ready
> Book you appointment at VFS global (makati /cebu)

> You can also download and print your application form.

CONGRATS, you're done with your online Visa Application!!!

but wait there's more...

Thank You


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