NMC - Full Application and Assessment Guide (PHRN, Ex-Saudi Nurses)

5.   Full Application and Assessment
Ex-Saudi PHRNs

At this point, you’ll need to provide and upload documents and send BARCODED forms to NMC,UK.  Those barcoded forms can be downloaded from your portal.  

>> LIST of documents needed in NMC Application and Assessment <<

These are the 7 tabs you need to complete before you click the SUBMIT button!!

Note: You can click Save and Exit if you are still completing your data or info.

Only click SUBMIT once you are 200% sure that you have entered all your info correctly and uploaded the required documents properly; you can no longer edit those data once you clicked it, unless you contact NMC to rectify it. 

5.1  PROOF of Identification
   You’ll need to:

      a.     enter your name and passport details
      b.     upload clear scanned copy of your valid PASSPORT and BIRTH Certificate in PDF format.

5.2  English Language Skills

If you took OET or IELTS:
Candidate IDis your candidate number NOT your Passport/Licence ID

5.3  Professional Education and Training 

        a.   Download “Form to accompany transcript of training”
        b.    Upload BSN certificate/diploma

Here, you need to Download the barcoded Transcript of Training, which you will then give to your school where you graduated BSN.  They will be the one to fill out those forms; make sure it has dry seal or has school stamp before you post it to NMC.

Better wait for the completed form before you enter your school details in this part. You can take a photo or copy of the completed form before they sealed it in an envelope.

Depending on your school, it might take you more or less 2 weeks before you get the completed form from your school.  Btw, my school charged me almost PHP 3K for this!!!!!  😐

5.4  Post qualification and Registration

        In Philippines - it is the PRC;   here, you will:

a.     Enter PRC details and Your PRC details (Lic. #, date of reg and expiration)
c.     Upload NBI clearance aka police certificate (within 3mons from date of issue)
d.     Download Registration Authority Verification (RAV)

You will bring and give this downloaded RAV to PRC office.  They will be the one to complete and send it to UK-NMC via either DHL or Fed-Ex.  It might cost you roughly 3K Php for the courier and 200 Php for PRC verification. 

I read that some applicants sent it themselves together with the other barcoded documents.  Maybe you can request to your PRC branch to released it to you and send it yourself.

In my case, I processed it in PRC - Morayta branch. I can’t tell much about it since they were on renovation the time I processed it so almost all of the departments were at 5th floor.  From what I remember:

1.       I went to the table labeled with “verification” at 5th floor, not sure where it is now.
2.       Fill out the form they gave me (make sure you know your PRC details, have a photocopy of your PRC license and Board rating certificate’s photo as you need some details from it)
3.       Bought 2 pcs. of postal stamp - (I think 25 php or 50 php each?? 😅 I forgot sorry ✌ )
4.       Queued for more than 2hours to pay 200 php - (Certification/Stateboard Fee)
5.       Paid for DHL courier Php 2790 – (it’s outside the PRC – but they know it already.  I actually ask the PRC morayta if I can send it myself but they refused, so yeah, I spent 2790 for DHL!!😭)
6.       Went back to 5th floor together with the completed form, PRC license copy, 2 postal stamps, PRC & DHL receipts.
7.       That’s it.  Just wait for the PRC/DHL message once they have sent your document to NMC, more or less after 10 days.

BTW, PRC details are as ff:  (don’t forget to ask them regarding the ff. once you’re there.  Their infos might have changed)

Here comes SCFHS!!!!!  You will also:

A.      Enter SCFHS details and your SCFHS registration details  (Lic. #, date of reg and expiration)
B.      Upload PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (gray colored one, but I heard there is a new downloadable certificate from mumaris plus)
C.      Upload SAUDI POLICE CLEARANCE (within 3 months from date of issue)
D.      Download RAV

Please Tick YES to add your registration details for your SCFHS.  This will give you another DOWNLOAD LINK for RAV.  

NOTE: It has a different barcoded form, so please make sure you will not interchange your RAV for PRC and your RAV for SCFHS.

SCFHS details: # 00966920019393 / 00966114822415 ; email: scfhs@scfhs.org.sa not sure with this now because they are using TAWASUL atm; website: scfhs.org.sa


If however you have no one in Saudi to process your RAV, you can send a BLANK copy of your SCFHS RAV, provided you have a valid SCFHS GOOD STANDING CERTIFICATE (from what I know, validity is also 3 months from the date of issue), and an explanation letter why you have sent a blank RAV form.  In my case I also attached the copy of my SCFHS license and I obtained new Goodstanding Certificate online via scfhs.org.sa  e-services, since mine was expired. KEkeke😂

(Blank RAV + Explanation letter + Good Standing Certificate + SCFHS license)

NOTE: Please check the dates on your good standing and professional accreditation certificate if they have the same date or year.  This might or might not give you a problem or delay.

SAUDI POLICE CLEARANCE: (3 mons validity from date of issue)

IF your police clearance is already expired or not within that 3 mons validity period required by the NMC, you can upload in one PDF file the ff: (my case~😂)

a.       Your expired Saudi Police Clearance with certified English translation
b.       Exit Stamp or Exit Visa with certified English Translation
c.       Self-declaration that you have not committed any crime in ksa/Explanation letter

If you have no police clearance, from what I’ve read you can prepare:

A.      Notarized Self-delaration/Explanation letter why you have no police clearance
B.      Your exit stamp/exit visa w/ certified English translation

It is always best to email NMC at overseas.enquiries@nmc-uk.org for all your concerns.  They usually respond after 3-4 days.  So while you are waiting for their response, prepare those possible documents that they might need.

My exit stamp/visa was translated by NCMF located in commonwealth avenue; 500php/doc + 200php for certification.  My police clearance has English translation from Saudi.

5.5  Work Experience

In short, If you have a valid OET or IELTS score, you are not required to submit the 2 barcoded reference forms. J Just tick “NO” as instructed and click next! J  (Yes, I followed their instruction)


This is because of their updated requirements for Non EU nurses last Sept. 25, 2018.  They removed the requirement for the minimum 12 months experience.

However, you can still send your 2 reference forms, and I think that it is better to send those forms to provide evidence that you have worked or still working as a nurse.  

If your last hospital experience was from Saudi, you can send the downloaded forms to your references via email and ask them to print and fill out those forms.  Then they can send it back to you here in PH via courier or someone you know that will go back to PH from Saudi. Once you have them, enter the details on your portal; check who is Employer 1 and Employer 2, do not interchange.  

NOTE:  It should contain the stamp of your HR or Hospital or Reference.  If however the hospital refused to stamp it or your reference has no stamp, they will have to write on a letter headed paper why the form they’ve signed has no stamp.  This document will be post to NMC as well.

5.6  Good Character and Good Health

A.      Good character: You’ll answer YES or NO questions (regarding criminal offence/convictions, civil cases, disciplinary actions)
B.      Good Health: Download the “Declaration of Good Health” barcoded form.  You will give it to the doctor who examined you within the last 6 months, and have them signed it, with their stamp.

5.7  Delacration

Just check, “Confirmation of Declaration” – and you’re done!

Please check your details once more before to click SUBMIT.  Make sure you have entered all the details correctly and uploaded your documents properly.

If you’re 200% sure, You can now click SUBMIT!!!

Wait there's more!! How will you know if you are already in the assessment queue??

Remember that you must post these barcoded documents to NMC:
a.       Transcript of Training from your school
b.      RAV from PRC / RAV from SCFHS
c.       Reference form 1&2 (+/-)
d.      Declaration of Good Health

Once NMC received all the documents you’ve sent, those will be reflected on your portal.  You can see the time and date when each document was received.  “This document has been received” will be shown also beside the download link of that particular document.  It is possible that the last date you will see will be your assessment queue date. 


Rather than assuming that you are already lined up, again, don’t hesitate to email overseas.enquiries@nmc-uk.org .  You can ask the status of your application or verify to them if your application has already joined the assessesment queue.  Always include your NMC candidate number and name when you email them.

CONGRATS!!!!! You have come this far!! Konting Push na Lang... GO GO GO!😂
At this point, you need to wait for your feedback. 
GOODLUCK and GODBLESS! hope you'll receive your decision letter as soon as possible!
Let's hope for the best... 😄

-tHanK YoU-


  1. Hi, did you click the submit button first in the portal before sending your forms to UK? Or did you wait first for your documents to be reflected "received" in the portal before clicking the submit button? Thanks!


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